
Most of the worldwide telecommunication laws and regulations dictate that websites that are not of a strictly private or personal nature must have a legally compliant imprint. This includes websites that contain a blog or texts of a journalistic nature.

The name of the contact person responsible for the content must be stated in the imprint, along with an address and means of contact. This means for instance a telephone number and an email address. Other legally stipulated information may be necessary. Please consult an expert to find out what specific information is required for your site.

Jerzy Szajewski - kopie i obrazy na zamówienie,  malarstwo polskie i światowe, portrety ze zdjęć klienta, martwa natura, obrazy sakralne i religijne, sceny batalistyczne i rodzajowe, kompozycje kwiatów w stylu holenderskim, malarstwo olejne i sztalugowe, artysta plastyk, kopista dzieł sztuki, galerie, artyści, sztuka.

Copyright (C) 2022 J. Szajewski